Visit us in the quaint hamlet of Myrtle Station, ON at: 9585 Baldwin St. N. (905)655-4858
(17.8km north of 401 exit 410. Look for the green house with the red roof a few doors north of the Myrtle Station railroad tracks)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hap-iness at last

We began to stock lovely, fine Einband Lopi a couple of years ago, so I began an Evelyn Clark triangular shawl. To me, this yarn is similar to shetland wool, just sticky enough to hold it's own with lace and fairisle, washing and blocking beautifully.
The project went on holiday with me, because I am not the most practised lace knitter and the peace and quiet on the beach in the morning is perfect for yarn overs. Somehow though, it was not the project for me. So, with regret I put it aside. Has that ever happened to you? I do have a stunning Lehe shawl made for me in shetland wool by Geri of Not Just About Knitting
Now I have found a wonderful Jared Flood pattern for a Hap shawl at the Greenwood Quiltery in Guelph called Quill. It is just what I like... a full garter stitch square with an easy lace border. Time for another holiday on the beach, including yarn overs!
Mr. Flood's blog is very interesting, but I must say the Brooklyn Tweed online magazine is stunning. It helped me remember how much I love tweed yarns and cables under my fingers.

Friday, March 21, 2014

knitters speed dating!

At the April Durham handknitting guild meeting (7 pm, second Wednesday of the month at the downtown Whitby Public Library) we are hosting our first yarn tasting, courtesy of the nice folks at Estelle Designs and Sales.

Rather like speed dating for knitters, there are 15 unique yarns to sample, and we are preparing for 15 fiber loving participants, plus a gift for each knitter from Estelle, plus a special door prize draw!

Byron fashioned this cool niddy noddy out of half inch plastic pipe for us, quote "for under five bucks with tax!". Byron made me one years ago from copper pipe, but I could not find it. A niddy noddy is used for measuring yarn, and making skeins. I have made small skeins that will hold the yarn labels, so the participants will know which yarn they are sampling.

In the process of making the kits I have decided to sew fabric bags. I found this nice flowery fabric in my stash that reminds me spring will come. I think Mary from the guild gave it to me years ago.

Almost ready for date night! The whole experience makes me feel like one of Santa's elves. I am well acquainted with my quarter inch sewing machine foot now.

Next I will be knitting my own samples before date night. I have some patterns to share which I believe will be perfect for getting acquainted with this cool assortment of fibre.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

kntting for men

I am particularly fond of the children's pattern books for Lanett and Mandarin Petit yarns because of the many designs, suitable for both boys and girls. There is a great Sandnes men's book and also many family friendly Alafoss Lopi patterns.

Notable among the plethora of feminine scarf yarns in the shop, we also stock a chunky print from Estelle called Woodrow, which I think looks very manly and bonus.. it is quick to knit on a 6mm needle.

The free pattern from the company is a sensible one row rib pattern, easy to knit, just the thing for something facinating on the television.

On the other hand, my preferred (six row) pattern works through the yarn with repeated garter stitch ridges, just out of sync enough to make the colour repeat appear more varied. The texture created looks like blocks, which very much appeals to the hand weaver in me.

Another reason I am fond of this stitch pattern is  because it is a helpful exercise for beginners. The simple stucture can increase awarenss of the stitch process, in their hands as knit fabric is created. It is a low risk, small number of stitches, worked on a reasonably sized needle.

As a stitch multiple of 4, you always start knit 2, repeat 4 times then 2 restful garter stitch rows. Truthfully it is an expanded 2 row pattern.

I used the crochet cast on, which means I can use the crochet cast off, causing start and finish edges will look alike. You can find an excellent discussion of this method in Sally Melville's book The Knitting Experience.

Cast on 24 stitches, using the crochet cast on with a 6 mm needle.
Knit 4 rows knit 2 purl 2 rib, then 2 rows knit.

More questions to answer when knitting a scarf with a new yarn. How much yarn will make how long of a scarf? Time for my Lee Valley scale to come out.

Total yarn weight is 100 grams  I have knit 74 cm so far and have 31 grams remaining, over halfway there! So scarf will likely measure approximately 110 when complete, then a bit longer when blocked.  Yes! proceed with confidence on this gift for some lucky fellow.